Sunday, March 22, 2020
Balanced Scorecard Principle
Although the concept of a balanced scorecard has been known for a comparatively short time period, it has already proven to be one of the most groundbreaking concepts of the century.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Balanced Scorecard Principle specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Because of the opportunity for embracing the key elements contributing to the organisation’s sustainability and the tools for evaluating it, which a balanced scorecard provides, the specified framework must be considered one of the key inventions in economics. Owing to its focus on the creation of sustainable environment for business evolution, the balanced scorecard approach contributed to bolstering the progress of Kaplan Norton. The development of the concept of the BSC and the introduction of the personal element into its general framework can be viewed as the first step towards improving the original idea. The specified stage o f the concept evolution is also market by a significant reduction in the controversy, which the BSC approach used to be characterised by: â€Å"Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a strategic performance measurement system devised after a yearlong multi-company research project†(Coe Letza 2014, p. 63). While at first, the emergence of the BSC was linked closely to only four perspectives, from which the performance of a company could be assessed, the further introduction of new factors allowed for a more adequate assessment and, therefore, a more precise location of the key problems that an organisation could face. The incorporation of the personal scorecard element into the overall framework along with the tools for assessing the overall company’s performance was another essential addition to the existing approach.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There is no secret that a company’s success hinges on the motivation of the staff (Coe Letza 2014); therefore, it is crucial that the factors contributing to the employees’ satisfaction should be included into the BSC framework. Traditionally, the BSC history is split into three key stages, the first one being the creation of the concept and its further definition. Afterwards, the stage that included the search for the ultimate BSC approach and the attempt at distilling the ideal BSC formula should be mentioned. The modernisation of the BSC principle has led to the discovery of one of the key details that made the existence of the BSC approach possible in the 21st century. To be more specific, the incorporation of the tools that allowed for a faster and more efficient information transfer facilitated the applicability of the BSC. The Rexam BSC (Coe Letza 2014) was designed at the third stage of the evolution of the BSC notion. Promoting the recognition of each and every stakeholder inv olved in the process of BSC application, the specified framework can be viewed as the â€Å"transition away from a simple stand-alone performance measurement tool to a rallying framework for core managerial processes†(Coe Letza 2014, p. 69). Consequently, the specified notion allowed for putting an even stronger emphasis on the significance of progress and the need for an organisation to evolve. The continuous development, which the transition from the BSC to the RSC is marked by, is clearly the landmark of a new era in the BSC evolution. The ability to age well can be considered one of the strongest advantages of the Balanced Scorecard approach (BSC). A recent case study has shown that the incorporation of the BSC framework into the company’s operations allows for an increase in the organisation’s productivity (Coe Letza 2014).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Balanced Scorecard Principle specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, the further development of the BSC concept has allowed for â€Å"objectives previously set out in the strategic linkage model†(Coe Letza 2014, p. 71) to be attained successfully. In other words, the premises for further evolution of the company, which the latest innovations introduced to the BSC model allow for, suggest that the BSC approach can be adopted to the global environment as well as to the local ones. Since the BSC framework sets the conditions for further organisational development and puts progress at the top of a company’s priority list, it is only logical to assume that the BSC approach itself is prone to frequent updates and a consistent change. Indeed, the case study outlines that the phenomenon of the balanced scorecard requires that the latest innovations, including information technology, should be incorporated into the framework. As a result, the key processes are carried out in a much more efficient an d expeditious manner. Though the concept of the Balanced Scorecard has been created comparatively recently, it has already managed to grow into a fully developed framework for evaluating the company’s progress. More impressively, the BSC strategy helps address both the industrial processes within a company and the organisational ones, specifically, the relationships between the managers and the staff, the rates of staff satisfaction, etc. One of the greatest inventions that have recently occurred in the field of business and economics, the BSC approach must be credited for its contribution to the design of corporate sustainability principles, which are crucial for an organisation to survive, develop and prosper in the realm of global economy.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Reference List Coe, N Letza, S 2014, ‘Two decades of the balanced scorecard: A review of developments,’ PoznaÅ„ University of Economics Review, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 63–75. This report on Balanced Scorecard Principle was written and submitted by user Mar1ana to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Essay on Abortion and Respect Life vs. Catholic Church
Essay on Abortion and Respect Life vs. Catholic Church Essay on Abortion and Respect Life vs. Catholic Church Essay on Abortion and Respect Life vs. Catholic ChurchAbortion is one of the most controversial issues in the US because the conservative part of the US society stands for the legal ban of abortion, while the liberal part of the US society stands for the full legalization of abortion as one of the basic rights of women. The core of the abortion debate is the debate between proponents of abortion, who believe that abortion is essential and women should have the right and opportunity to undergo abortion, and opponents of abortion, who believe that abortion is a sinful, wrong act that should never be practiced at all. In this regard, opponents of abortion represent the religious community mainly. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the position of the Catholic Church is particularly important in the abortion debate because the Catholic Church traditionally stands against abortion, which Catholics view as a sinful act that contradicts to the will of God. The debate betwee n the Catholic Church and proponents of abortion grows stronger as abortion has already become a widely-spread surgery in the US that contradicts to the position of the Catholic Church in this regard. In fact, the Catholic Church stands for its fundamental principles, which respect human life and view it as a gift of God that makes the position of the Catholic Church concerning abortion rigid and unchangeable.The position of the Catholic Church was and still is vulnerable to the severe criticism from the part of proponents of abortion, who believed abortion to be an essential option for women to determine whether to deliver a child or not. Historically, motherhood limited economic and social opportunities of women and feminists, for example, believe that the ban of abortion is the way to set control over women and limit their opportunities of birth control. They believe that women should be free to decide whether they need abortion or not and this is the way for the liberation of wo men because it expands their opportunities for birth control.At the same time, there are more sophisticated arguments that refer to the life and death issues which emerge, in case of pregnancy of women. For example, proponents of abortion insist that pregnancy may threaten to the life of some women. This is why they believe that abortion should be legal and the ban of abortion will put under a threat the life of many women. This position is very strong since it rejects any arguments that there are other tools of birth control but abortion, because there are cases of pregnancy after rape, for example. Hence, abortion seems to be virtually an essential option for women.However, the Catholic Church still insists on the ban of abortion and views it as absolutely unacceptable and sinful act. In fact, there are several key points, which justify the position of the Catholic Church in this regard. First, the Catholic Church views a human life as sacred (Boonin, 2002). Catholics believe that a human life is a gift of God that should be always respected and not a single human has the right to play God and decide whether let a human life to appear or not. In other words, the Catholic Church stands on the ground that humans has no moral right to take a decision on abortion because abortion is the deprivation of life of the unborn baby. This is why the Catholic Church views abortion as a sort of murder, while murder is one of the greatest sins in Catholic religion.Furthermore, the Catholic Church respects the childbirth and views it as one of the most important and sacred elements of human life on the Earth. In fact, the birth of a child is sacred and highly respected by the Catholic Church because Jesus Christ was born by a human woman and he was the son of God (Hern, 1996). Similarly other babies are also born in a natural way and, if they are born, then this is the will of God. Moreover, the Catholic Church views the childbirth as one of the main elements of the hum an life because the childbirth is one of the major responsibilities of women as well as men. They should live according to divine laws and they should create their families, have children and bring them up with respect to God and Catholic teaching.In addition, the Catholic Church always stood for traditional family values and childbirth comprises an integral part of traditional family values. In fact, children make the family life more purposeful and pleasant for God. This is why the Catholic Church promotes the idea of the childbirth as an essential element of the family life. The idea of abortion contradicts to the idea of the childbirth. Therefore, the Catholic Church insists on the necessity to ban abortion because it undermines traditional family values and lifestyle. In fact, the Catholic Church associated abortion with the downfall of morals in society because abortion leads to the devaluation of family values and it may have a destructive impact on the family life as well as life of individuals. Hence, the position of the Catholic Church to ban abortion is reasonable within the religious framework the Catholic Church operates within.At the individual level, abortion is also unacceptable for the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church stands on the ground that women cannot stop the life of the unborn child through abortion. The Catholic Church rejects the argument of its opponents of unwanted children, as is the case of rapes, for example (Finer, 2005). In response to such arguments, the Catholic Church develops the idea that there are no unwanted children. All children should be wanted by their mothers. Women should not reject their babies, even if they have got pregnant after a rape. Instead, women should be aware of the fact that, if they got pregnant, then this was the will of God. Moreover, the Catholic Church holds the premise that all children are born absolutely pure and women cannot view their children as the cause of their troubles. Instead, they should view them as innocent creatures, which they should take care for and provide for. Therefore, they should not commit abortions but, instead, they should deliver their babies and take care for them.In fact, the Catholic Church rejects all arguments of its opponents. When opponents of abortion remind of the threat to the life and health of women associated with pregnancy and delivery of children, the Catholic Church traditionally refers to the will of God and insists that the contemporary health care system can minimize risks to the life and health of women and women have ample opportunities to avoid pregnancy, if they are aware of risks to their health, instead of murdering unborn babies. At this point, the Catholic Church stands on the ground that abortion is the murder of the unborn child.The position of the Catholic Church originates from the traditional Christian teaching, which makes the respect of life the major priority. This is why the Catholic Church respects every li fe that is born or is going to be born. The life is the most valuable humans have in their life and the Catholic Church view the life as a sacred concept, as a gift of God and as a will of God, which humans cannot change or contradict to. Instead, the Catholic Church is respectful to life because every person has the right to live and other people cannot deprive any person of this right, including unborn children. This is why the Catholic Church insists on the ban of abortion in the US.Thus, abortion is still one of the most debatable issues in the US. The large number of opponents of abortion has a strong religious background because religion tends to reject abortion. In this respect, it is possible to refer to the case of the Catholic Church, which stands against abortion as a sinful act and as a murder of an unborn child. The Catholic Church justifies its position by strong religious and moral concepts. The Catholic Church insists that abortion contradicts to the will of God, vio lates basic moral laws, destroys families and undermines traditional family values. Therefore, abortion has a destructive impact on individuals and the entire society.
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