Thursday, October 31, 2019
Global Trade and Distribution Strategy Coursework
Global Trade and Distribution Strategy - Coursework Example In some cases, imported goods are of low quality hence they have cheap prices which make people shun products that are locally manufactured. 2. The target market for the Achilles kids shoes mainly include the parents who have young kids. The kids themselves are dependent on their parents for all their clothing needs. The company ought to identify factors such as levels of income of the targeted group. In order to cut costs, distribution strategy that would work for this target market is that the company performs the distribution of the products itself. After the products have been manufactured, the company ought to identify the channels through which the products will be distributed. The products should be sold through company operated stores since this helps to attract many customers. More importantly, this helps to reduce costs since other suppliers may charge more money for performing the same task of distributing the finished
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Gymnastics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Gymnastics - Essay Example Learning, however, is a complex process, the principles of which are not always obvious, thus the need for careful inspection. By examining these principles we will be in a better position to assess how they can be applied to physical education. Psychology is about theories as to what leads people to behave in particular ways in different situations. Learning and motivation are important aspects of human behavior and have been the subject of much research. From the perspective of motor skills, learning can be defined as a relatively permanent change in ability resulting from experience and training as a progression from simple to more complex, sophisticated movements Operant conditioning is a psychological technique for modifying behavior that is particularly relevant to how psychology can be helpful to the teaching of gymnastics. The technique is defined as a voluntary response that is strengthened or weakened according to immediately following consequences. Organisms therefore have a tendency to repeat those actions that are reinforced in particular ways that result in a change of behavior. Behaviorism, as this approach to learning is called, is based on those aspects of behavior that are overtly observable. Because behaviorist techniques rely on the observation of explicit actions, they are especially applicable to the teaching of gymnastics. There are various methods by which a behavior can be reinforced of which the most efficacious has proved to be positive (praise) rather than negative (punishment) feedback. Positive reinforcement are of two main kinds, extrinsic and intrinsic; verbal encouragement or privileges are common examples of the former, whereas the latter applies to self-motivated students who receive a sense of fulfilment at achieving success. As students requiring the most attention are those who tend to underachieve and are not always self-motivated, our concern will mainly be with extrinsic reinforces as these, when used in the right circumstances, have proved to be advantageous in a number of different ways. An essential aspect of achieving a positive outcome is the breaking down of complex tasks into simpler ones that can be translated into graded steps according to the ability of the student. In this regard, motor skills can be decomposed into a series of simple frames that help to pin-point strengths and weaknesses that can be translated into structured programmes for initiating improvement. Programmed learning of this type allows the trainee to progress at his/her own rate, and permits learning to be facilitated through positive reinforcement of the targeted behavior in that a correct response will be more likely than an incorrect one. Skills can therefore be programmed to advance through structured hierarchies of tasks that progress from the rudimentary to the complex through successive approximation. In a physical education setting, there are special circumstances to take account of when applying these principles. As individuals are inclined to possess a wide variety of abilities, it is essential that the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Product lifecycle management in aviation maintenance
Product lifecycle management in aviation maintenance A study on the article entitled Product Lifecycle Management in Aviation Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul. This paper analyses the journal based on inputs which is covered in the course Product Design and Development. Further, it explains briefly about Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and the different phases of PLM over new product development process and also the benefits of PLM over Aviation Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) industry. Product Data Management (PDM) application in PLM are also discussed in this paper. Summary of the article The journal has three phases of discussion, first phase is introduction, second phase is the about the activity of PLM and the final phase is about PLM benefits in aviation MRO industry. Phase 1: The competition among the world in new product development leads to data sharing among the enterprise and end users i.e. from ideas, design, manufacturing, customer/installation, service etc. to overcome this PLM is proposed to have proper integration of customer, process, management and data to have control throughout the life cycle period of the product. Nowadays most of the industries have adopted PLM in their design process to the maximum extent when compared to the other process in their product life time. Similarly in Aviation MRO industry, PLM has not yet adapted to the extreme end compare to the design process in the aviation industry. The PLM in aviation MRO industry can be more worthy as the total life period for an aircraft is approximately more over than 30 years. Phase 2: PLM has been divided in to two management phases as shown in figure 1. One is related to enterprise and other is related to product data (virtual enterprise). This article focus on the second phase which integrates computer aided design and manufacturing through PDM. Product Data Management (PDM) system is the division of PLM, which communicate and gather the data from the initial process of concept development to the end life of the product. PDM system organizes the computer aided design tools. PDM archives the customer feedback, engineering data and management data to incorporate the information between the enterprise, customer, service industry and other end user of the product throughout its life time. Second phase of PLM is further divided into four phases. First phase is concept development in which the ideas from customer are organized and designed. Second phase is design. This concentrates on describing, defining, developing the product design based on first phase and finally analyzing and simulation is carried out in design phase. The third phase is manufacturing and marketing where the production, sales and installation process are carried on to produce a new product. The final phase is servicing where maintain and support, removal or disposal i.e. customer support by means of MRO. Figure 1: Different Phases of PLM In general PLM reduce marketing time, improve the product quality in new product as well as in service, centralized product record, cost and waste reduction. Many industries have applied PLM as an initiative and are mostly used in design process. According to a survey detailed in the article, it shows that the usage of PLM and PDM in MRO are very inadequate when compared with design. Phase 3: The adoption of PLM is in very high percentage in automotive and aircraft industry due do life period and the impossibility in prototype; but in aviation service industry the percentage of PLM application implemented is deficient. PLM reduce the normal design and assemble period of aircraft in many aircraft industry. This result in higher percentage of reduction in manufacturing process, but the percentage of reduction in life cycle period is very less. In aviation industry the profit amount of the aircraft is calculated only based on the total life period. It can be obtained only by proper maintenance and repair. From the article it pronounces that over 17000 commercial aircrafts are active at present. The analysis of budget in aviation MRO industry from the year 2005 to 2010 shows a massive increase. This increase in expense is due to inventories in the aviation MRO industry. The profitability of the aviation industry depends on the life span of the aircraft. To have maximum profit in aircraft industry, they need safe operation, adequate maintenance for the parts. PLM in MRO will minimize the time of maintenance, cost and also increase the total life period of the aircraft. Maintenance is the process to achieve reliability, safety and overall performance of the product. There are two types: one scheduled maintenance in which the repair process is scheduled according to the time intervals and second one is unscheduled maintenance and it implies when there is sudden breakdown. Earlier the scheduled and unscheduled maintenance are known as preventive maintenance. In addition to this, maintenance is further classified into On or OFF aircraft maintenance. On maintenance represents repaired within the craft without cancelling the transit. Off maintenance represents the change of parts i.e. overhaul of parts. Here, the temporary part is replaced till the repair process is carried out in the part. The aim of PLM in aviation MRO industry is to have adequate reliability, safety, proper data from OEM for overhaul and this will result in cost reduction. To acquire product reliability and safety in aircraft, both the maintenance processes are to be carried. For proper maintenance the major thing in consideration is product and part manual from Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). In order to minimize the difficulty of MRO the OEM has to provide the sufficient datas like methods of detailed data of the part, maintenance process, fault identification method, tools required to overhaul and also 3D modeling drawing view of the part. These are accomplished by the PDM which make use computer for safe data transfer from OEM to MRO and also by feedback from customer to OEM and MRO industry. Case studies on different methods of how maintenance, repair and overhaul are carried out in different aviation MRO industry located in Singapore. They described the percentage of inaccuracy in their method of repair. They point out the repair work flow procedure and the different methods of process they carried on for the repair of aviation part. The reason for this inadequate quality of repair is analyzed below in this paper. Journal relation with Product Design and Development The journal related to one of the main area Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) which was covered under the lecture PLM and Product Planning. In addition to PLM Product Data Management (PDM) are also discussed in this article which is a part of PLM. The information from the lecture about the tools PLM and PDM, gave the input how to develop a new product with an efficient lifecycle time i.e. from the process of concept creation to end life of the product or till recycling of the product and also effective data management system. These concepts are related to the service industry which is at the end phase of lifecycle of a product. This helps to identify the benefits and characteristic of PLM in aviation MRO industry. Journal Analysis The impact of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) in aviation maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) industry is analyzed in this article. They address the PLM benefits and necessity in MRO industry for effective and accurate quality in repair process. They also analyze the different maintenance process carried on in the aviation industry. Figure 2: Current Scenario Of Data Flow Without Adoption PLM in aviaton MRO industry. In this article they analyzed how they repaired the high pressure blade and outer cover panel. Also it describes the demerits in their method without PLM. It shows the data flow from the OEM to MRO industry is inadequate as shown in the figure 2. Thus it leads to improper Maintenance, repair and overhaul of the part in aircraft. Product Data Management (PDM) system should be applied with PLM for proper flow of information between the OEM to customer, customer to MRO and also MRO to OEM and vice versa. Such feedback from customer end will improve the process in MRO in addition to design of aircraft. Thus the figure 3 represents the flow of data between various processes in aviation industry. It shows the characteristic and benefits on adoption of PLM in service industry. In addition to service process PLM has to be implemented in management activities like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and supply chain management (SCM) in aviation industry to increase the total lifecycle time of the new product. Figure 3: Implementaion of PLM with Product Data Management (PDM) in aviaton Industry. The case study done on the aviation MRO industry in Singapore represents the work flow of the repair process carried out on different parts of aircraft. In this, the original part definition data was measured and calculated by coordinate measurement system with the help of a reverse engineer. The measured data was not too accurate when compared to OEM data. This improper method is mainly because of insufficient product data information. This method will lead to poor reliability and safety, life period of the product is thus reduced and also overall life span of the aircraft deteriorates. Further, it leads to poor customer satisfaction and very less profitability to the aviation industry. The influencing factors that affect the MRO industry are insufficient data sharing between the OEM and MRO. To rectify the problem in aviation MRO industry, it is required to adopt PLM system incorporated with PDM. The author suggests adopting the PLM process in MRO industry as the process implemented in design process shows remarkable result in that sector. In addition to design and service, PLM can also be implemented on various processes in the aviation industry which will clearly show a valuable increase in the reliability and safety of the aircraft. It also increases the overall profitability of the product. In addition to this, PLM provides consistent and precise feedback between the OEM, MRO and customers and also between the partners in the enterprise resulting in optimization of the inventory and further improves the efficiency of maintenance by reducing the non-value added tasks. Conclusion PLM activities in the aviation industry have to be analyzed more precisely and research must be carried in various process of aircraft and MRO industry to increase the industries profit and service. In addition to PDM, Collaborative Product Development (CFD), Concurrent Engineering (CE) tools can also be used in future to increase the total life span of the aircraft and MRO industry.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Federalist Party :: American America History
Federalist Party "Seldom in the nation's history has there been a period so extraordinary in accomplishment as the first decade under the Constitution...." This paper is going to be a step by step evaluation of arguably the most important decade in American History. The time period covered in this paper is 1789-1801. These are the years in which the Federalists had the most influence in the new government. They accomplished an amazing amount in these 12 years. The Federalist Party was one of the first political organizations in the United States. The members of this party supported a strong central government, a large peacetime army and navy, and a stable financial system. Although the first president, George Washington, was not a Federalist, his Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, was the developer and leader of the Federalist party. Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution so that the central government could become more powerful. Also Hamilton, along with the other party members, believed that commerce and manufacturing were more important than agriculture. Financial Dilemma During the first two years of the new federal government the biggest problem was that of raising money. At first the Congress adopted a small tariff on imports. This was a start but not nearly enough. The government needed this money to maintain its own existence and to be able to pay of the debt. The existence of the government was a necessity, but there was a lot of discussion as to whether the debt should be payed off. The mare magnitude of the debt seemed to compel some measure of avoidance. In 1789, the national debt totaled more than $50 million, $11,700,000 of which was owed to France and Spain and the private bankers of Netherlands, while $40 million was in the form of securities held by citizens of the United States. The interests owed to the bankers were being payed off by loans from the bankers themselves. The government didn't even have enough money to pay the Barbary corsairs for release of captive sailors! When Congress couldn't come up with a solution that was satisfactory, they turned to Alexander Hamilton with the dilemma. He soon proceeded to draw up a full report entitled "Report on Public Credit." In this paper Hamilton proceeded to show that the only way for a new government to establish credit was to deal honestly with its creditors -for in many cases they would be the people to whom the government must look to for future loans. Federalist Party :: American America History Federalist Party "Seldom in the nation's history has there been a period so extraordinary in accomplishment as the first decade under the Constitution...." This paper is going to be a step by step evaluation of arguably the most important decade in American History. The time period covered in this paper is 1789-1801. These are the years in which the Federalists had the most influence in the new government. They accomplished an amazing amount in these 12 years. The Federalist Party was one of the first political organizations in the United States. The members of this party supported a strong central government, a large peacetime army and navy, and a stable financial system. Although the first president, George Washington, was not a Federalist, his Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, was the developer and leader of the Federalist party. Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution so that the central government could become more powerful. Also Hamilton, along with the other party members, believed that commerce and manufacturing were more important than agriculture. Financial Dilemma During the first two years of the new federal government the biggest problem was that of raising money. At first the Congress adopted a small tariff on imports. This was a start but not nearly enough. The government needed this money to maintain its own existence and to be able to pay of the debt. The existence of the government was a necessity, but there was a lot of discussion as to whether the debt should be payed off. The mare magnitude of the debt seemed to compel some measure of avoidance. In 1789, the national debt totaled more than $50 million, $11,700,000 of which was owed to France and Spain and the private bankers of Netherlands, while $40 million was in the form of securities held by citizens of the United States. The interests owed to the bankers were being payed off by loans from the bankers themselves. The government didn't even have enough money to pay the Barbary corsairs for release of captive sailors! When Congress couldn't come up with a solution that was satisfactory, they turned to Alexander Hamilton with the dilemma. He soon proceeded to draw up a full report entitled "Report on Public Credit." In this paper Hamilton proceeded to show that the only way for a new government to establish credit was to deal honestly with its creditors -for in many cases they would be the people to whom the government must look to for future loans.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How successfully does ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢ use the conventions of the horror genre? Essay
Explain your answer, looking closely at details of the text, and comparing the novel with other horror stories you have read or seen. ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢ is a short novel written by the famous author, Robert Louis Stevenson. Stevensonââ¬â¢s ambition from an early age was to be an writer, although his father had different ideas. In one of his most famous novels, ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢, Stevenson captures the extremism of Dr. Jekyllââ¬â¢s split-personality; his desire to let his dark side run wild, achieved by drinking a magical potion that changes him into the animalistic, violent and somewhat evil Mr. Hyde. The word ââ¬Å"horrorâ⬠categorises everything typically frightening, in every sense. Horror conventions include anything from darkness, shadows and night-time to werewolves, knives and blood; from monsters, violence and death to screaming, animal howls and creaky doors. ââ¬Å"Horrorâ⬠is simply a term to summarise all things scary, and is used mostly to describe books and films. ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢ can be seen as a horror novel, because of its shocking and horrific content. In this essay I will explore the ways and successes in which Stevenson presents the story of ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢ using conventions of the horror genre, referring to details of the text and comparing the novel with other horror stories and videos. One of the important horror conventions used in ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢ is the use of darkness and the atmosphere of the setting. It is necessary that the weather, amount of light and general atmosphere is dark, quiet and negative to create a tense, scary mood. In the horror genre, violent or evil actions traditionally occur at night, when there are less people around to help, it is much quieter than during the day, and because the darkness easily conceals any crimes that are committed. The first time that Enfield sees Hyde, he is returning home ââ¬Å"about three oââ¬â¢clock of a black winter morningâ⬠. There is ââ¬Å"literally nothing to be seen but lampsâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"all is empty as a churchâ⬠. This, even before Enfield has set eyes on Hyde, creates a tense atmosphere where it feels likely that something horrible will happen. The weather is dark (ââ¬Å"blackâ⬠), and it is winter, suggesting that it is very cold, and the general atmosphere is very un-welcoming. The fact that the area is ââ¬Å"emptyâ⬠adds to the horror, because this means that nobody will be around to help you when something evil appears out of the darkness. Another example is ââ¬Å"the lamps, unshaken by any wind, drawing a regular pattern of light and shadow.â⬠Shadows are seen as frightening, because of the way they creep around and you can never be sure who or what is making the shadows. The darkness and gloomy weather successfully creates a threatening, tense, and un-inviting atmosphere. This horror convention is similarly used in ââ¬ËThe Tell-Tale Heartââ¬â¢, when the old manââ¬â¢s room is described as ââ¬Å"as black as pitch with the thick darkness.â⬠As the narrator is pondering the murder of the old man, the darkness is important as it will not only create a tense atmosphere, but it will also conceal the murder. This is similar to the way the streets are usually described as dark and dingy in ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢. Another important horror convention used in ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢ is the Pathetic Fallacy. Stevenson employs the Pathetic Fallacy to reflect the emotions of the characters, by making the weather match the appropriate mood. A weather description in Chapter Four is an example of this; ââ¬Å"A great chocolate-coloured pall lowered over heaven, but the wind was continually charging and routing these embattled vapours.â⬠At this time, Mr Utterson is showing a police officer to the house of Edward Hyde, who we are suspecting of the murder of Sir Danvers Carew. The intensity of this scene is reflected by the stormy weather, and the ââ¬Å"mournful reinvasion of darkness.â⬠Many of the chapters of ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢ include descriptions of dark, dingy weather, and more often than not the streets of Soho are described as empty or silent. In Chapter Two, the by-street is described as ââ¬Å"very solitaryâ⬠and ââ¬Å"very silent.â⬠Silent, solitary areas create a threatening atmosphere, as it suggests that there is nobody else around to help you if you get into trouble. This contributes to the sense of horror, because there is an inevitable feeling of danger present in any dark, empty places. The setting of the laboratory is also contributes to the horror in ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢. There are not many descriptions of the laboratory, although one says that the tables were ââ¬Å"laden with chemical apparatus.â⬠This idea creates a sense of mystery, because at the time we do not know what the chemicals are used for. This creates tension in the plot, and we donââ¬â¢t know what to expect, which contributes to the overall horror of the story. Laboratories are traditionally linked with other typical settings for horror stories including castles, graveyards, and big empty houses. A contrasting horror setting to that used in ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢ is used in ââ¬ËThe Darkness Out Thereââ¬â¢ by Penelope Lively. ââ¬ËThe Darkness Out Thereââ¬â¢ features Packers End which has many deathly feelings and darkness to it, the three men who died horrid deaths in there, and the chills which Sandra gets from thinking about the place. When Pac kers End is talked about, night time is used which is a mighty contrast to the sunny images of fields and meadows that Packers End is described as during the day. Unlike ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËThe Darkness Out Thereââ¬â¢ has only one setting, which changes from a peaceful, sunny area to a dark, chilling one. The general theme of ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢ is duality. This alone adds to the horror, as it builds up the tension and creates the twist in the story. Throughout the story, there are hints given that Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde are in fact the same person; one of these includes a quote from Edward Hyde: ââ¬Å"You will not find Dr. Jekyll; he is from home.â⬠As suggested in the novel, Jekyll seems to be ââ¬Å"pretty sureâ⬠of Hyde, meaning he knows him very well indeed. Another hint includes Mr Uttersonââ¬â¢s reaction when he is presented with the stick that Hyde had used to kill Sir Danvers Carew. Utterson instantly recognises the stick ââ¬Å"for one that he had himself presented many years before to Henry Jekyll.â⬠These hints mostly go un-noticed or un-considered, but they add mystery to the plot throughout the whole story, which gives the story an increasing amount of tension. Dr. Jekyllââ¬â¢s door is used symbolically as a block between Jekyll and the rest of the world, which almost suggests that the world outside literally can not understand Henry Jekyll. The door is always closed, which creates an undefined suspicion of Jekyll. This creates horror in that we can not be certain what Jekyll is always doing hidden away in his laboratory, although we are almost certain it canââ¬â¢t be good. The idea of duality in this story is the division between a normal, respectable man, and his darker side. Henry Jekyll is supposedly an ordinary man; trustworthy as he is a doctor, with no abnormalities in his life. Then there is Edward Hyde: a hideous, evil murderer who lets his fantasies run wild and brings them to life. Henry Jekyll is simply a man who wishes to keep his good reputation, but who also feels the need to carry out his fantasies, which include his desire for prostitutes, and murder. These are things that are not seen as acceptable, and people who do these things are excluded from society and disliked by most people. This theme is a frightening one, as people tend to fear murderers and criminals. The horror created by this theme makes the story into a shocking reality. The popular theme of transformation used for werewolves and vampires is also used in ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.ââ¬â¢ Stevenson uses horrific descriptions to give the reader a good idea of how frightening and disgusting the transformation is to watch: ââ¬Å"The rosy man had grown pale; his flesh had fallen away; he was visibly balder and older.â⬠This is an unpleasant thing to imagine, and it is quite frightening. There are also descriptions of the facial expressions of Dr. Jekyll as the transformation is taking place: ââ¬Å"Dr. Jekyll grew pale to the very lips, and there came a blackness about his eyesâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"Dr. Jekyll, looking deadly sick.â⬠Descriptions like this add to the horror, because they are meant to shock the reader and create a cold, unfriendly atmosphere. The descriptions make Dr. Jekyll seem more like an animal than a human. A similar transformation occurs in Michael Jacksonââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËThrillerââ¬â¢ video. Michael is in the woods with his girlfriend, and a full moon comes out, which immediately triggers the transformation of Michael into a werewolf. It is horrific to watch. It starts off with him just twitching a bit, and falling to the floor, but then when he lifts his head his eyes have become wider and yellow like a cat, and his expression is fierce. He then develops fangs; his ears and hands become hairy like a werewolf, and claws come out from beneath his fingernails. These things are meant to scare the viewer, and Stevenson describes Jekyllââ¬â¢s transformation for the same purpose. Although transformations are more horrific to see visually, Stevensonââ¬â¢s detailed descriptions are successful in creating horror. The presentation of Mr. Hyde is completely negative. His looks are described as ââ¬Å"extraordinaryâ⬠and ââ¬Å"particularly wicked.â⬠He is also described as ââ¬Å"pale and dwarfishâ⬠with a ââ¬Å"murderous mixture of timidity and boldness.â⬠These images are used to exclude Hyde from normal-looking people, to make him individual. He is also given animalistic descriptions such as ââ¬Å"ape-like furyâ⬠, ââ¬Å"a hissing intake of breathâ⬠and ââ¬Å"snarled aloud into a savage laugh.â⬠This makes Hyde seem in-human and frightening like a monster, which adds to the horror. The effect Hyde has on the other characters encourages the reader to turn against him, and see him as a frightening creature of a man. Mr. Enfield describes Edward Hyde: ââ¬Å"something wrong with his appearance; something displeasing, something downright detestable. I never saw a man I so dislikedâ⬠¦ He must be deformed somewhere.â⬠This informs the reader that Mr. Hyde has a very evil expression, and does not appear to be normal. There are also descriptions of violence and hatred; ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ tales came out of the manââ¬â¢s cruelty, at once so callous and violent, of his vile life, of his strange associates, of the hatred that seemed to have surrounded his career; but of his present whereabouts not a whisper.â⬠Horror is created in this quote because Hyde has been given many negative characteristics: cruelty, callous, violent, vile, and hatred, and there is a twist of mystery at the end which says that nobody knows of Hydeââ¬â¢s present whereabouts. Stevenson is clearly trying to make the reader also dislike Hyde, by creating an overall image of this animalistic, cruel, violent man with a lot of hatred. This successfully creates horror in the novel. In the same way, ââ¬ËThe Blobââ¬â¢ by R. L. Stine describes a huge, overpowering man-made monster which terrorises innocent people and publicly crushes them to death. The Blob is described as ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ a gigantic landmass of blubber, standing so high that even the tallest of men would flee for their lives at the site of this extraordinary, yet silent, creation.â⬠A final contribution to the horror in ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢ is the savage acts of Hyde. Hydeââ¬â¢s murder of Sir Danvers Carew and the trampling of the little girl are described in horrific detail. The trampling of the little girl was described by Mr. Enfield: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ the man trampled calmly over the childââ¬â¢s body and left her screaming on the ground.â⬠The murder of Sir Danvers Carew was described like this: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ he broke out in a great flame of anger, stamping with his foot, brandishing the canâ⬠¦ like a madman.â⬠This is horrible, and Hyde is made to look like a ââ¬Å"madman.â⬠The horror continues to build up as we discover that Hyde must be simply insane, and he will do whatever he pleases, not caring what the world thinks of him. In conclusion, ââ¬ËDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢ is a very successful horror story. It uses many different horror conventions and has parts of the plot which successfully build up the tension throughout the whole story, such as the little clues that suggest Jekyll and Hyde are the same person, and the laboratory door. However, there are weaknesses in the plot; Mr. Hyde is small and not intimidating like other horror characters such as Frankenstein. Generally though, ââ¬ËThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeââ¬â¢ is a very successful horror novel, and would probably stand among the top 10 best horror stories of all time.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Matt Leeds
Leeds felt that taking a position in the consulting firm would give him broader exposure In the retail/marketing field and the Job In general was more glamorous. Kingston offered him a Job and also promised Leeds would become a UP in a few years. He ended up accepting the offer from Dander Boonton and Scott was not happy with the decision. Dander Boonton has (3) practicing areas; mass merchants and luxury retailers, catalog/Delbert marketing and consumer goods manufacturers.Leeds would be a part of the first practice and the recruiter, with whom Leeds interacted with, spoke highly of the Senior Partner in charge of the area UT also mentioned moral was a down due to the low number of promotions to partnership. The hierarchy at the company is the following: Associate consultant, Consultant, Engagement Manager, Partner, Managing Director Each office has a managing director who optimizes the use of resources to keep staff as fully billable as possible, especially Junior people who do not have clientele. Engagement Directors sell services and staff It with Engagement Managers who use consultants.Engagement Managers participate In one project at a time usually for up to (8) months. Consultants are rotated more often, every four to six months. This is done to allow consultants to be a part at different stages of the engagement with different clients. Dander uses a formal Management by Objectives evaluation process and most of the promotions are from within. Leeds was interviewed by managers that impressed him but he was also told he would not know who his boss or assignment was until the first day of work, He was also told he would become an engagement manager within 2 to 3 years.His first day at work he met his boss who outlined his flirts assignment in about ten minutes. It was a merchandising optimization model project with a chain of women's apparel stores, but it would not start for another six months, and in the meantime the project had to be planned. He was int roduced to the only other consultant on the project up to that time, Eleanor Swift. He had a meeting with his boss that did not go well because his boss had stereotyped Mambas as people who know less than what they really claim.His boss was confrontational stating Leeds would not get special treatment and that he would have to prove himself like everyone else. Leeds replied stating he was someone who got his hands dirty and gave examples of this in his role in the stores. His boss also told him in the next weeks he would be extremely busy FIFO Telling a project, out Tanat en was welcome to ask any Stetsons IT name. Lyle tool Leeds his initial Job was to work on project plans for each major part of the project and to work with Swift, but that he had to report to him and not Swift.Leeds was not happy with the first meeting with his boss, whom he saw as not welcoming and disinterested. He also met Swift who characterized herself as a corporate misfit, who knew how to get things done bu t did not engage in politics like everyone else. She told Leeds that by working with her he would learn his Job. She also expressed her dislike for Harvard Mambas and went on to say he would be in learning mode for at least six months and also mentioned the company was a highly structured environment. Leeds was not happy with his boss or peer but had mixed feelings about the project.The negative part was that it would start in six months, but it was good to start on something so big for the office with challenging work from the ground up. On the second day he was invited to lunch by one of the consultants that had interviewed him and they met other consultants as well. They seemed a lot ore interested in his background than his boss and peer and also informed him about a change in recruitment practices where all new hires for entry level positions were now Mambas from top schools. As a result Mambas were dominating the company, which was a possible cause of Lye's and Swifts dislike of Mambas.The couple of times Leeds went to ask his boss some questions about what he had read about Fashioner he was told to come back later. He asked Swift and she answered in her condescending style. Swift would give trivial tasks to Leeds which he did not question since he did not want to be perceived as aggressive. By his third week, Swift scheduled meetings with Engagement Managers who had run projects similar to the components of the project; order quantities, pricing, markdowns and location optimization.Leeds was in the meetings but did not participate much because he was overwhelmed by the information and felt he should be in learner mode as Swift had suggested. He also felt like nobody asked for his opinion and began to feel uncomfortable. Leeds had a conversation with Brenner, the consultant who interviewed him and she told him making good presentations, having all facts and figures prepared was important along with being enthusiastic, ambitious, creative, and analytical. Leeds was asked to analyze Fashioner sales data and write a Memo which he did with Lye's help.The Engagement Director praised it as good, but Leeds was disappointed because he wasn't included in the development of work plans done by Lyle and Swift using his analysis. He felt he was more than qualified to participate in this. He seemed to get along with everybody at Dander except for Lyle and Swift. He spoke to other consultants who informed him other new hires were doing more challenging tasks and that they did not understand why he was given such mundane assignments. This seems like a bad case of set-up to fail without having any reason other than a stereotype or bad feelings toward Mambas.Lyle and Swift had made up their mind about Leeds without giving him a chance at success. Lyle provided very little information and assigned work or let Swift assign work that would not encourage or inspire anyone. After six weeks of being there Lyle still had not given Leeds his objectives. One time, Leeds Ana to ay word processing Decease Nils secretary was on vacation and the other secretaries were busy. Hopper saw him and reprimanded him saying he should not be doing clerical work. That's why they had secretaries and doing that kind of work would undermine his credibility.Leeds respectfully told him it was a minor change he needed to get done quickly, but Hopper insisted. Lyle heard the incident and told Leeds that Hopper was being unreasonable. Leeds decided to listen to Hopper since he had seniority over Lyle. After this, an incident caused tension between Leeds and both Swift and Lyle. Swift then asked Leeds to make copies for her immediately. Leeds said he was busy and told her to manage her time better and make her own copies. She got upset and asked him if he was too good to make copies. Leeds was upset and he snatched the papers and started making the copies.After lunch he had a note to go see Lyle. Lyle took Swifts side and shouted at Leeds stating he had to be a team player and that even Harvard Mambas had to make copies. Leeds was frustrated because he felt Lyle was not being objective. Again this sounds like Lyle has his in and out group. Leeds is in the out group without having had a chance to prove himself. Leeds confronted Swift about her being condescending and Swift apologized sarcastically. Leeds either performed clerical tasks and upset Hopper or does not and upsets his boss and peer. A couple of days later Hopper approached Leeds asking him if he was happy in the company.Leeds stated he had some issues with Swift, but said Lyle was really good to him. He felt it was not good to make negative comments about his boss to his superiors. Leeds found out after three months he should be given an evaluation, he requested one from Lyle and a couple of days later had an informal evaluation during lunch. Lyle said he was doing a nice Job, learning his Job and getting along with everyone in the office, but that he was unassertive and lacke d initiative, especially during meetings. Leeds mentioned he was being a learner as Swift had suggested and also mentioned Swifts condescending attitude.Lyle replied she had a deficient management style, but that he never had issues with her and that Leeds should be able to get along with her. Swift and Leeds got into another argument over analysis Leeds had done of Fashioner's existing pricing policies and markdown approaches. Swift was initially impressed with his work, but when he showed her the spreadsheet he was using for his analysis she started questioning his findings. Swift started screaming mentioning Harvard Mambas thought they knew it all and Leeds was called into Lye's office, whereLyle once again defended Swift and promised to give Leeds distinct assignments. He also told him he did not understand why be couldn't get along with Swift, that she was misunderstood, but had a good heart. Lyle, as the manager, should take steps to resolve the conflict and make the situation better, but Leeds did not believe he would do that. Leeds took matters into his own hands and invited Swift to speak after work. They did and agreed to cooperate. Other Consultants in the company criticized Lyle calling him a bad manager and stating that he did not train people.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Tabitha Norton Essays - Botany, Biology, Plant Morphology
Tabitha Norton Essays - Botany, Biology, Plant Morphology Tabitha Norton Bio 102-03 Selaginella is the sole genus of vascular plants in the family Selaginellaceae, the spike mosses. in all parts of the world, particularly in the tropics such as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands but are also foun din as more arctic habitats in areas of Greenland. They have scalelike leaves, either spirally arranged or in ranks of four, on stems and branches. The spore-bearing leaves are similar to ordinary leaves but are clustered in spikes, or strobili. The spike mosses reproduce with spores. They have distinct male and female spores known as microspores and megaspores, respectively. Spore are produced on leaves in enclosures called sporangia. The spores of Selaginella species are both pollinated and dispersed by wind. Pinus is the sole genus in the subfamily Pinoideae and is made up of conifers. There are about 120 species and are native to northern temperate areas but are found throughout the world. The genus is composed of trees or shrubs, aromatic, evergreen; they are usually conic when young, often rounded or flat-topped with age. Pines have two types of branches, long shoots and short shoots, and three types of leaves, primordial, scale, and adult. Both long and short shoots develop in the axils of the deciduous scale leaves. The needlelike photosynthetic adult leaves are borne in fascicles (bundles) of two to at the tip of each short shoot; they remain on the tree 2 to 17 years. Pollen-bearing male cones are covered with many fertile scales, each of which bears two pollen sacs. Ovule-bearing female cones, borne on the same tree, have several spirally arranged modified leaves, each of which is located below a scale with two ovules . In spring or early summer the pollen sacs release poll en through longitudinal slits; each grain has two air bladders for wind dispersal. The scales on the female cones open to receive the pollen and then close; actual fertilization takes place late the following spring. After fertilization, the woody female cone develops over a two- to three-year period. Ginkgo biloba includes a group of gymnosperms composed of the family Ginkgoaceae. The species is native to China. A Ginkgo tree is pyramidal in shape and has a bark which is deeply furrowed on older trees and has a corky texture. Ginkgo tree leaves are fan-shaped and are have short but thickened shoots. The leathery leaves are up to 8 cm long and can be broad. Most leaves are divided into two lobes by a central notch. Microsporangia and female ovules are borne on separate trees. Pollen grains are carried to the female trees by the wind. Megasporangiate trees bear paired ovules, which, when fertilized, develop into yellowish seeds consisting of a large inner nutlike portion surrounded by a fleshy outer covering. Magnolia are native to North and South America, the Himalayas, and East Asia. They have evergreen or deciduous, alternate smooth-margined leaves. The flowers, usually cuplike and fragrant, are located at the branch tips and have three sepals, six to 12 petals arranged in two to four series, and many spirally arranged stamens. The numerous simple ovaries in the centre later form a conelike fruit. The seeds hang by slender threads. The gynoecium is the innermost whorl of pistils in the flower and is typically surrounded by thestamens, collectively called the androecium. The gynoecium, the female portion of the flower, produces megaspores, each of which develops into a female gametophyte which then produces egg cells. Antirrhinum -There are about 20 species native to western North America and the western Mediterranean region. The flowers are tubular, bilaterally symmetrical, and usually large with a closed, liplike mouth that excludes most insects but can be forced open by strong bees, the main pollinators. Snapdragons bloom only once a year and grow from very small seeds. It generally takes about three weeks for the seeds to germinate.
Monday, October 21, 2019
How electrostatics influence our lives
How electrostatics influence our lives Physics EssayHow electrostatics influence our lives? Physics EssayHow electrostatics influence our lives?IntroductionWe all are familiar with the term electricity which comes from batteries and which is used to light bulbs, buzzers, and other electrical devices. We also know that conductors are those objects which conduct electricity easily and insulators do not conduct electricity at all. This is basic knowledge but right now we are going into detail about electricity and static electricity.ElectrostaticsMany of us have this wrong concept in our mind that insulators like plastic and wood cannot carry charges at all. This is a wrong concept. The truth is that most insulators carry a special type of charge which conductors do not carry. The charge is created due to static electricity and is known as an electrostatic charge.We might have heard of the term static electricity but most of the time we dismiss it as a small and unimportant part of electricity.Figure 3But we are wrong; in this essay you will see the uses of electrostatics in o ur daily lives.Static electricity can be produced by rubbing together two objects made of different materials. Electrons move from the surface of one object to the surface of the other if the second material holds onto its electrons more strongly than the first does. The object that gains electrons becomes negatively charged, since it now has more electrons than protons. The object that gives up electrons becomes positively charged. We experience many example of static electricity daily. For example when we close the television and then immediately put our hand on the screen, a cackling sound is produced and the hair on our hand stands up. The same thing happens when we take off a woolen sweater or when you get of your car seat.When rubbed with each other, or...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Rod Rosenstein Biography
Rod Rosenstein Biography Rod Rosenstein (born Rod Jay Rosenstein on January 13, 1965) is an American attorney and former criminal prosecutor who investigated tax fraud and public corruption before being tapped by Republican President George W. Bush to serve in the Department of Justice as a U.S. attorney in Maryland. Rosenstein enjoyed support and respect from Republicans and Democrats alike and served as the second in command at the Department of Justice under Bushs two successors in the White House, Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump. Rosensteins political legacy, though, will very likely center on his controversial move to appoint Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III to investigate Russias attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election. Fast Facts: Rod Rosenstein Full Name: Rod Jay RosensteinKnown For: Deputy U.S. attorney general who appointed and oversaw special counsel Robert S. Mueller IIIs investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential electionBorn: Jan. 13, 1965, in Lower Moreland, near PhiladelphiaParents Names: Robert and Gerri RosensteinSpouses Name: Lisa BarsoomianChildrens Names: Julia and AllisonEducation: Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, 1986 (B.S. in economics); Harvard Law School, 1989 (J.D.)Key Accomplishments: Winning respect from Republicans and Democrats alike in Washington as he became the longest-serving U.S. attorney in the country during the administration of President Donald Trump Early Years Rod Rosenstein was born and raised in Lower Moreland, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia, where his father operated a small business and his mother served on a local school board. It was there, he said at his confirmation hearing before the U.S. Senate, that he learned straightforward values. Work hard. Play by the rules. Question assumptions, but treat everyone with respect. Read widely, write coherently and speak thoughtfully. Expect nothing, and be grateful for everything. Remain gracious in times of defeat, and humble in moments of victory. And try to leave things better than you found them. Rosenstein attended public schools and graduated from Lower Moreland High School in 1982. He then entered the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied public policy, management, and economics. His interest in government led him to Harvard Law School after graduation. Rosenstein served as an intern for the U.S. Attorneyââ¬â¢s Office in Massachusetts, a position that had a lasting impact on his career as a public servant. Career in Law Rosensteins long career as a government attorney began in 1990, when he first joined the Department of Justice as a trial attorney with the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division. From there, he launched into decades of prosecuting drug dealers, white-collar criminals and public corruption. As the U.S. attorney for Maryland, Rosenstein pressed for longer sentences for felons and battled inner-city gangs. Among Rosensteins most high-profile cases were prosecutions of: Baltimores elite Gun Trace Task Force, whose mission was to get guns off the streets and violent criminals behind bars; eight of its nine members were alleged in 2017 to have abused their power by shaking city residents down for cash, drugs and jewelry. Some members of the squad confessed to robbing residents, planting drugs on innocent people and reselling the substances to others.A Baltimore man who shot and killed a 3-year-old toddler who was playing on her front porch in Baltimore in 2014; the case remained unsolved for about three years when Rosenstein in 2017 accused a 28-year-old gang member of firing the gun at a member of a rival faction. These cases do not solve themselves. They get solved because of extraordinary work by honorable, decent, diligent law enforcement officers, Rosenstein said at the time.Dozens of people in prison-corruption scandals at the Eastern Correctional Institution in Westover; employees there were accused of smuggling drugs, cigarettes, cellphones an d pornographic movies into the facility and selling them. Rosenstein also: Recommended the firing of FBI Director James Comey over his handling of the investigation into Democrat Hillary Clintons email servers.Appointed Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III to investigate Russias attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the case. Legal observers describe him as a tough, law-and-order prosecutor who is also fair-minded and nonpartisan. Heres a look at the various positions Rosenstein held prior to his time as deputy to Attorney General Sessions. 1993-94: Counsel to the deputy attorney general;1994-95: Special assistant to the Criminal Divisionââ¬â¢s assistant attorney general;1995-97: Associate independent counsel under Ken Starr, whose office investigated Bill and Hillary Clintons business and real-estate dealings in Arkansas.1997-2001: Assistant U.S. Attorney in Maryland.2001-05: Principal deputy assistant attorney general for the Tax Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, supervising criminal sections and coordinating tax enforcement activities of the Tax Division, the U.S. Attorneyââ¬â¢s Offices and the Internal Revenue Service.2005-17: U.S. Attorney in Maryland, overseeing federal criminal and civil litigation.2017-Current: Deputy U.S. attorney general following President Donald J. Trumps nomination on Jan. 31, 2017, and Senate confirmation on April 25, 2017. Personal Life Rosenstein and his wife, Lisa Barsoomian, live in Maryland and have two children, Allison Liza and Julia Paige. Barsoomian worked as a government prosecutor and, later, as a lawyer for the National Institutes of Health. Important Quotes It is important to separate the role of politics in setting priorities and the decision to prosecute cases. And in the Justice Department that is what we do on a daily basis, that is how are trained. - Speaking to an ABC affiliate about his role as deputy attorney general.ââ¬Å"The oath of office is an obligation. It requires me to support and defend the Constitution of the United States; to bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution; and to well and faithfully discharge the duties of my office. I have taken that oath several times, and I have administered it many times. I know it by heart. I understand what it means, and I intend to follow it.â⬠- Speaking at his confirmation hearing in 2017. Role in Trump Russia Investigation Rosenstein was a relatively unknown political figure outside of Maryland, even after being tapped as deputy attorney general and assuming oversight of Muellers investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 elections. Rosenstein drew Trumps ire after appointing the special counsel, but threw his career into jeopardy by suggesting to colleagues he secretly record Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration. Rosenstein also was said to have discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment, which allows for the forceful removal of a president outside of the constitutional impeachment process.à Rosenstein denied the reports. While Rosenstein held onto his job after that controversy, Trump passed him over for a promotion in late 2018 when Session was fired as attorney general. Rosenstein had been the heir apparent to the position because of the terms of the federal Attorney General Succession Act, which gives the deputy attorney general authority when the top position becomes vacant. Sources Davis, Julie Hirschfeld, and Rebecca R. Ruiz. ââ¬Å"Caught in White House Chaos, Justice Dept. Official Seeks Neutral Ground.â⬠The New York Times, The New York Times, 22 May 2017.ââ¬Å"Meet the Deputy Attorney General.â⬠The United States Department of Justice, 21 June 2017.ââ¬Å"U.S. Attorney in Baltimore Is Trumps Pick to Be Deputy Attorney General.â⬠The Washington Post, WP Company, 14 Jan. 2017.Vignarajah, Thiru. ââ¬Å"A Look at the Past Work of the Deputy AG Who Called for Comeys Firing.â⬠Vox, Vox, 10 May 2017.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Benefits of Gender Diversity in the Workplace Research Paper
The Benefits of Gender Diversity in the Workplace - Research Paper Example Owing to such reasons, it is deemed to be necessary for both profit oriented as well as non-profit organizations to engage and accept the notion of diversity with regard to gender for the reason of attaining increased creativeness as well as productivity (Rosado, 2006). Gender Diversity in Workplace The idea of gender is primarily based on the dissimilarities of features amid the individuals of different sex. These features act as a basis which discerns the males from the females. It is also based on the feelings of an individual of being a male or a female. Gender diversity generally relates to the proportion or ratio of the overall males to the overall females. The degree of diversity signifies whether the distribution of the genders is equal or it is distributed unevenly (Walter, 2012). Greater degree of diversity within a certain organization with regard to age is known to offer increased viewpoints as well as generation of fresh ideas. It is even considered imperative for the re ason of augmenting the competence in terms of comprehending the requirements of the customers. The aspect of diversity in relation to gender in the workplace assists in triggering an ensuring increased degree of sales for the organization. Gender diversity is also considered important for an organization for the reason of ensuring the sustenance of their respective operations. The notion of gender diversity relates to the actuality of the existence of variation in terms of the genes with regard to a species. The factor of genetic diversity makes it likely for a specific populace to become accustomed to the surroundings along with responding to the usual selection. The degree in relation to genetic disparity is considered to be the foundation of speciation. This specific factor is known to pose an influence regarding the ways individuals act together and perform or conduct oneself with respect to the other individuals present in the organization (Green, Lopez, Wysocki, & Kenper, 2011 ).. As a result of the mounting globalization in the industrial sector gender diversity has surfaced as quite an essential aspect for the modern business organizations. Gender diversity with regard to workplace has been defined as the comprehension and recognition of employees of both the genders. The major guiding forces of gender diversity within the workplace are the women employees. It is worth mentioning that during the recent days, business organizations have noticed the highest level of female employees in the workplace. Consequently, the number of families possessing dual income sources has also augmented along with the numbers in relation to working mothers who are single (Green, Lopez, Wysocki, & Kenper, 2011). Gender Diversity and Its Implications Gender diversity with regard to the workplace is noticed to prove gainful for the employers as well as the employees. The employees working in the same organization are likely to be quite reliant upon each other in terms of thei r work. In this context, the individuals of different genders significantly require to develop mutual respect for the reason of enhancing their productivity. Diversity in the work place can work quite effectively in boosting the marketing opportunities of the organization. It can further facilitate in encouraging creative activities amid the individuals and can also aid in recruitment activities
Friday, October 18, 2019
Write a discussion and conclusion for every chart Essay
Write a discussion and conclusion for every chart - Essay Example rvey respondents (international students) had no close American friends and would have liked more meaningful interaction with people born hereâ⬠(par. 3). As such, racial discrimination still exists as the primary cause of discrimincation in contemporary university settings. Figure 2 illustrates that from among the causes of discrimination, stereotyping was identified by 7 out of 17 respondents as the predominant cause; followed by media (5); lack of knowledge (2) and gender differences (2); and poverty (1). Although poverty was noted only by one respondent as the cause of discrimination, the study written by Moorman & Wicks-Smith (2012) that ââ¬Å"with one quick look students are generally able to size up who is wealthy and who is poor; who is a "have" and who is a "have not"â⬠(p. 141). As such, stereotyping was the predominant cause of discrimination that is an indication of social perceptions that have persistent through time. Figure 3 illustrates that from 19 respondents, it was revealed that only 48% or 9 respondents have average knowledge about discrimination support networks; followed by 26% who does not have much knowledge; 16% who have some knowledge; and 5% for both sets of respondents who are on the extremes ââ¬â a lot of knowledge and no knowledge at all. The average knowledge of students on the presence of discrimination networks indicate that there are majority of students who could not avail and access support due to insufficient awareness of the existence of support networks to address discrimination issues. As indicated, school psychologists are identified to assume the crucial role of enhancing awareness, to wit: ââ¬Å"working for social justice in the educational setting means guiding students and staff to reflect critically on their roles in proliferating racism and discrimination and supporting systemic change to prevent ongoing inequitiesâ⬠(NASP, 2012, p. 2). Figure 4 illustrates the results on the methods deemed most effective by
The role of mediation towards conflict resolution (with examples) Essay
The role of mediation towards conflict resolution (with examples) - Essay Example The paper tells that in the todays fast pace world of utter competition, in order to accomplish the goals and objectives, team working has become a necessity. The team or the group of people works towards a common goal where all the members are proficient enough to make decisions, solve problems, and share responsibilities. However, when one or more than one person works on a particular task or activity, discrepancies, inconsistent views or conflict is likely to occur generally. This is because every individual not only belongs to different backgrounds but also have lived diverse and dissimilar experiences in their lives, and thus, it leads to have diverse and dissimilar perceptions even when working on a common goal. In some situations, the conflict is nominal and may cause lesser amount of stress, however, in other cases; it might prove to have worse effects. Therefore, the understanding of the temperament and nature of the conflict is of great importance, which can lead to the con structive solutions as to how the conflict can come under resolution in a beneficial manner in order to improve the relationships that come under its affection. Studies reveal the fact that numerous causes can add to conflicts. In fact, when a person or a group of people comes under employment to perform a particular task that is contrasting to their needs or interest, conflicts is likely to occur. In addition, when the group of people has exclusive and independent behavioral preferences with respect to their mutual actions can also give rise to conflicts. A number of people do not have the ability or proficiency to communicate effectively and efficiently. Therefore, poor communication skills between people are also one of the prime reasons that can cause conflict. It has also come under observation that inadequate skills and knowledge are also one of the imperative contributors for creating a conflict amongst the people (Pahl,Ã Richter &Ã Rohrschneider, pp. 3-10, 2009). This is due to the reason that if a person in a group of people lack special skills or knowledge, the goals is unlikely to come under execution, which escalates the probability of conflict. The mentioned were few of the instances that can lead to conflicts amongst people, however, conflict resolution provides various solutions that can eliminate the differences between the people and improve or enhance their bond or correlation (Pahl,Ã Richter &Ã Rohrschneider, pp. 3-10, 2009). It has come to notice that culture plays a dominant, leading, and sensitive role in conflict resolution whether it is on a professional practice or in academic field. This can come under well understanding with the notion that in Western civilization, people in general opt for and promote open communication among disputants, solves their issues and outline agreements on a mutual basis that meet the principal and basic needs of both the parties. This means that the conflict resolvers make both the parties agree t o have a win-win situation where all the people under conflict get an equal satisfactory circumstance. A win-win situation is essential in the non-Western culture as well, but the way of resolving the conflict is somewhat different in nature (Avruch, pp. 24-27, 1998). However, while looking at the other end of the spectrum
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Feasibility and Research Report--Tax on Cigarette and Demand on Essay
Feasibility and Research Report--Tax on Cigarette and Demand on Cigarette - Essay Example This objective is scheduled to operate within a seven year duration, whereby the expectation will be of high government revenue and a reduced level of smoking. The results of this project will benefit government, society, environment, smokers and non-smokers. Cigarette contains over 4000 chemical compound and 69 of those chemicals cause cancer. Cigarette harms health by causing diseases such as lung cancer or heart diseases. There are numerous organizations that can help smokers to quit smoking and the government work closely with such organizations to create awareness about the effects of smoking. Other than its addictive characteristics, this study sought to actualize the drive to smoking despite the awareness of its effects to health and spending. The outcome of the study is therefore very important to the Federal U.S. government as well as the Anti-Smoking Agencies. The outcome of the study was not intended to please tobacco manufacturers as this would affect their business, and to some extent the some government agencies were expected to reject the outcome of the study as well due to tax revenue they get from tobacco. However, the study was focused in revealing the truth of tobacco in relations to health effects. Many studies have been done on the health and economic effects of smoking tobacco. Such studies, discussions, or journals were limited to finding the real weight on health, spending etc of smoking cigarettes. Micklethwait, (2013) of the Economist Magazine acknowledges the effects of cigarette products affect the whole society in U.S. According to weekly news involving the economy and business within the U.S. and international business, the Smoking Weight, and Micklethwait, (2013) data percentage showing the rational of teenage smokers reveals that there are 46% teen girls and 30% teen boys do not smoke
Teen Pregnancy in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Teen Pregnancy in the United States - Essay Example The focus of the article then moves on to the steps that could be taken in order to ensure that this issue is dealt with in the most effective manner. It is seen that a multi-dimensional approach is necessary to find out the best solution to the problems related to teenage pregnancy in the United States. Not only there is the need for a more comprehensive educational plan, there is also the need to introduce programs that support the further education and the career of the adolescent mother. In addition, support is also necessary for the mother to understand how to raise the child. The article concludes by discussing the need for a combination of the programs so that there is a comprehensive method to prevent both teenage pregnancies and to support adolescent mothers. Adolescent pregnancy has become a social issue that attracts a very high level of attention because the United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy among the industrialized countries. The rate of teen pregnancy in the US is almost double of that of Great Britain and over 10 times that of Japan (, 2005). Therefore, it is no longer an issue that concerns just the teenager and the family, but it has become a social issue that has larger implications and repercussions that has the local and national impact. The peak period for teenage pregnancies was during the early 1990s when the teenage birth rate was over 60 births per 1000 women. Over a period, this rate has come down slowly. During 2006, this number reduced to 41.9 births per 1000 women (, 2006). Researchers feel that there are two main reasons for this high rate of teenage pregnancy. One is that the age of menarche is now much lower than what it has been before. This results in an increase in sexual activity without the awareness of its consequences at a much earlier age, resulting in teenage pregnancy (Kaplowitz, 2006).
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Understanding Management Information Assignment
Understanding Management Information - Assignment Example This report intends to examine and portray the trend witnessed in the UK Tablet PC market, especially in respect of the preferences deciphered by young students aged between 18 years to 35 years and assist PG Communication LTD, a communication equipment producing company, to develop and launch innovative Tablet PCs in the UK. With enhanced features and operational efficiencies, Tablet PCs have thus emerged in the market segments of the UK and worldwide as dominating technological gadget. There are various factors which include simplicity, battery life and multi-tasking facility on the basis of which Tablet PCs are used for household, business and education purposes. Presently, Tablet PCs are used immensely by students and educational institutes with the objective of improving the education system, being strongly influenced by the notion of real-life learning, rather than focusing on traditional classroom learning merely (Korkmaz & et. al., 2012). Accordingly, the objective of this pa rticular research study is to determine the market conditions for Tablet PCs in the UK and accordingly devise appropriate strategies on the basis of which PG Communication LTD can launch Tablet PCs for students in the UK. Research Method Data for this particular research study were collected from secondary sources primarily. According to the report published by TechSciResearch (2011), the statistical results signified that Tablet PCs are the emerging technological gadgets in the electronic market segments. Tablet PCs have immense demand in the worldwide market segments. ... On the basis of quantitative descriptive research approach, apart from the secondary sources, the research findings have also been postulated on the basis of primary data, collected with the application of a questionnaire survey. The sample size for the questionnaire survey was 100 who were selected from the population comprising UK students aged between 18-35 years, i.e. the targeted customers of PG Communication LTD. To be noted, both the primary and secondary data collection methods used in this study possesses particular advantages and disadvantages which has been depicted in the section below. Secondary Sources Primary Sources Advantages The data collected through secondary method are determined to be cost as well as time efficient Secondary data are readily available which may assist in acquiring adequate information in an efficient manner (Parasuraman & et. al., 2006) Obtained first-hand, the data collected from primary research are more appropriate as well as reliable source of information for research study as compared to the secondary data (Wiid & Diggins, 2010) Disadvantages The data collected from secondary data may be out-of-date (Parasuraman & et. al., 2006) The primary data collection method is time consuming and expensive The researches should be experienced and unbiased while collecting information which requires high interpretive skills within the researcher (Wiid & Diggins, 2010) Analysis Secondary Research According to the report published by TechSciResearch (2011), the statistical results signified that Tablet PCs are the emerging technological gadgets in the electronic market segments. Tablet PCs have immense demand in the worldwide market segments. Moreover, the report states that
Teen Pregnancy in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Teen Pregnancy in the United States - Essay Example The focus of the article then moves on to the steps that could be taken in order to ensure that this issue is dealt with in the most effective manner. It is seen that a multi-dimensional approach is necessary to find out the best solution to the problems related to teenage pregnancy in the United States. Not only there is the need for a more comprehensive educational plan, there is also the need to introduce programs that support the further education and the career of the adolescent mother. In addition, support is also necessary for the mother to understand how to raise the child. The article concludes by discussing the need for a combination of the programs so that there is a comprehensive method to prevent both teenage pregnancies and to support adolescent mothers. Adolescent pregnancy has become a social issue that attracts a very high level of attention because the United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy among the industrialized countries. The rate of teen pregnancy in the US is almost double of that of Great Britain and over 10 times that of Japan (, 2005). Therefore, it is no longer an issue that concerns just the teenager and the family, but it has become a social issue that has larger implications and repercussions that has the local and national impact. The peak period for teenage pregnancies was during the early 1990s when the teenage birth rate was over 60 births per 1000 women. Over a period, this rate has come down slowly. During 2006, this number reduced to 41.9 births per 1000 women (, 2006). Researchers feel that there are two main reasons for this high rate of teenage pregnancy. One is that the age of menarche is now much lower than what it has been before. This results in an increase in sexual activity without the awareness of its consequences at a much earlier age, resulting in teenage pregnancy (Kaplowitz, 2006).
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Baltic states of of Estonia Essay Example for Free
The Baltic states of of Estonia Essay The Baltic states of of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, apart from perhaps being regarded as the geographical center of Europe, is also to be recognized for its lush expanse of forests and greenery. Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians take enormous and unfaltering pride and love for their forests and the magnificent trees which comprise them. But more than being cherished for its aesthetic values, the Baltic forests served as a refuge and sanctuary for Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians in the years when the Baltic states were under war and upheaval. The Lithuanian poet Antanas Baranauskas wrote an ode to the forests of Anykscia, in which he expresses his sentiments for the once beautiful and magnificent forest which served as a momentary sanctuary for the Lithuanian people under a repressed era. ââ¬Å"The Anykscai Groveâ⬠(1859) begins by ennumerating bitter remembrances of a once lush and rich country of a forest where pines, white-wood, burrows, moss, the humming of birds, sun-kissed earth and foliage, as well as forest scents and hums constitute a seeming paradise, which at present, ceases to remain as such. Baranauskas looks back to how his people took refuge in the woods, when the apparent evils of mankind were more than evident and palpable in the towns, cities and villages of Lithuania, men, women and children took to the woods, to a place such as the Anyksciai grove, where peace and tranquility was afforded to them. At the time it appeared as though it was all they needed, but it grew increasingly apparent that there was something else that needed nourishing, that needed to be made complete. People were dying of hunger, of cold, and cutting down trees for firewood, and extracting everything remotely edible from a mushroom or flower down to a trees very bark seemed to be the apt response. The Lithuanian forests said to have cried, not for the woes which fell on every tree and foliage in the forest, but for the woes which fell of the Lithuanian folk at the time, which was unfortunately commuted to their forests (Baranauskas). Under these unfortunate, but perhaps signficantly fortunate circumstances as well, the Baltic states and its people, or perhaps the Lithuanians, specifically, hold every tree, forest and foliage in Lithuania in a more than aesthetic, but also visceral regard, including, the Anyksciai Grove . References ââ¬Å"The Anyksciai Grove.â⬠Baranauskas, Antanas. Retrieved 28 January 2007 from
Monday, October 14, 2019
Role And Status Of Women In The Police
Role And Status Of Women In The Police Q. Its not blatant sexism, its more like a sexual undercurrent (Female Police Officer cited in Foster et al. 2005). From your reading of the broader research literature, how well does this statement describe police working culture? Review the implications of your answer for the role and status of women in the police. I do not wish them (women) to have power over men, but over themselves. Women have historically played the role of the protected not the protector. The police force is historically a male orientated domain. Policing was seen as a job allocated to tough, manful acts of crime-fighting and thief-taking. This lent itself to a male, macho culture in which women played no part. As aptly put by Malcolm Young, the opportunities for women are constrained by hierarchies of dominance in which the masculine view prioritizes. For this reason gender is a difficult concept in the masculine culture it creates. For the few women who did enter into this male club they were assigned to station duties as opposed to pounding the street. The initial idea of policing was strongly linked to masculinity, historically males were responsible for physical labour and protection of the family. Women have had to fight hard against this stereotype and it is an uphill struggle they seem still to be fighting today, h owever with the emergence of this discrimination brought forth by the Stephen Lawrence tragedy, policing has come under tight scrutiny. In order to fully examine whether there is discrimination towards women in the police force there needs to be a discussion on womens history, outlining any progress over the years, and experience in modern day policing. This will uncover the dominance of any discrimination and the steps taken to counter it. Before any such analysis can take place there must be analysis into what constitutes an undercurrent. Is it present if one officer said something weekly, should it be rather a group of officers and what is the frequency of this behaviour? conversely what is the definition of blatant sexism. Is it blatant if the comment is directed straight to a women about an issue solely related to women, quote about period. Also can this be said to be sexism as a concept or simply miss placed humour? Blatant is defined as, without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious. These two ideas are not easily categorised, they appear to have a fluid quality rather than definite perimeters. In order to understand these things as a concept there needs to be an examination of modern and past policing and the resulting experiences. Women being fully integrated into the police force is a recent development. Previously women police officers were a separate part of the police. Margaret Damer Dawson, an anti-white slavery campaigner, and Nina Boyle, a militant suffragette journalist founded the Women Police Service in 1914. This was made up of women volunteers and it was not until 1930, women police were fully attested and given limited powers of arrest. In 1969 the womens branch of officers was dissolved in anticipation of the Equal Pay Act. Despite this women police were still treated as a separate section of the service. Women were not completely integrated into the police force until 1973. This suggests any discrimination faced by women may not be direct as could be seen towards women in the army, where women are excluded from positions which require face-to-face combat with the enemy. There has been legislation put in place to help with this integration but despite the apparent willingness to treat women as eq uals there may still be an undercurrent of sexism throughout the force. The first step seen to integrate women in the UK was the Sex Discrimination Act 1975. This Act made it unlawful to discriminate against women, either directly or indirectly, in the field of employment. It seemed optimistic at best to think that one act of parliament could change a history of discrimination and ingrained ideas about gender. The male culture was not keen for radical change from their conservative origins. This prevalent masculine culture is shown from a quote taken after the legislation was passed from sergeant Sheena Thomas, before I was promoted, a senior officer told me that once I remembered I was a mere woman and not police officer, I would get on far better. A challenge to the male dominated structure was not welcome making application not openly enforced. The history of policing is important in discussing modern policing as it allows for a better understanding of society ideals, as Reiner said, An understanding of how police officers see the social world and the ir role in it cop culture is crucial to an analysis of what they do and their broad political function. In recent statistics a division between women and male officers is prominent in not only the amount of female officers but also in promotional positions. According to the official statistics dated 31st March 2009 across England and Wales, women are not a particularly well represented group in the police force. The number of full time officers reached 141,647, out of these 32.8% were female police officers. This illustrates how women are still a minority group in the police force however there is further data that may give more weight to a claim of sexism in police practice. Women, in the same year of statistical data, were also shown to be under represented in positions of authority in the police. Examples are as follows; Male Female Total percentage Chief superintendent 448 60 508 12% Superintendent 938 120 1,058 11% However at the lowest position there is a greater equality in distribution; Male Female Total percentage Constable 79,430 30,801 110,231 28% The difference in numbers between women and men in the powerful positions could relate to the lower numbers of women applying to the police force. The question has to be asked is why are so few women applying to the force? There could be many reasons why women do not apply to the force, the obvious issue which stands out when thinking about police work and the gender divide is the nature of the work. This is generally thought to be male orientated due to the notion of the physical aspect attached to the job and the danger involved in it. Womens bodies have become a way of defining their readiness for the job. The idea of women as weak creatures is reflected in the police force, mainly in regard to physical strength. This presumed weakness reflects both physical and mental readiness, for the crime fighting nature of the job. In reality however this stereotypical idea of what police work involves may not be representative of reality. Much of police work involves administration and petty crime prevention, it is not the fast pace, dangerous profession TV may imply. For this reason it is hard to see why any physical differences between male and females should make a real difference in the active duty of a p olice officer, self image of the police is that of crime-fighters and this is not just a distortion of what they do, it is virtually a collective delusion Another aspect that leads the police to a more male orientated idea is the offenders with which they deal. As the majority of crimes are committed by men the job lends itself to male officers. This is to do with matching strength, males are seen as the stronger of the two and viewed as better equipped to deal with male offenders. The above statistics show that women are under represented in the police force, but what of the distribution of males and females in positions of power, does the unequal distribution reflect the smaller numbers of women in the force or sexual discrimination? The ratio of men to women in the constable role almost parallels the percentage of the overall police force between women and men, at 28%. This cannot be said of the higher positions. For example the total number of superintendents is merely 11%. This percentage discrepancy between males and females in positions of authority does not match that of the lower ranks, making me more inclined to agree with Sandra and her opinion of womens promotional opportunities: once recruited, their road to the top is certainly a greasy pole'. Research which supports this claim is evident over the years. Kinsey (1985) took empirical evidence in Merseyside that showed 43% of officers under 30 on station duty (least prestigious job) were women. Coffey, Brown and Savage (1992) showed findings that women were under represented in many special departments and totally absent from others. Brown, Maidment and Bull (1992) researched deployment patterns of women police officers which showed that they gravitated towards low frequency labour intensive specialised tasks. An example given for such tasks was supporting rape victims. Anderson, Brown and Campbell said women officers are limited in the amount and type of experiences they are able to gain. This in turn affects their job satisfaction and may inhibit their promotion prospects. That fewer women than men achieve promotion in turn can reinforce male stereotype about womens abilities Research had shown that women feel undermined and undervalued by the predominantly male, heterosexual culture. They felt that their roles in the team were often restricted and that they had to work a great deal harder than their male counterparts to prove themselves. As one officer said, the only thing I can do is just put my head down, work hard and prove myself. Which is depressing, but its reality isnt it. The only way I can earn respect is to work harder than everybody else. This apparent sexual discrimination has not managed to escape the courts when in 1992 Alison Halford, who was the highest ranked serving female officer with the position of assistant chief constable, pursued a sexual discrimination case against Merseyside police Authority. This was a high profile case widely reported in the media about Alison not getting a promotion she felt she deserved after nine attempts to secure the job. The case resulted in a victory and subsequently encouraged other women to take action and in that same year a number of other cases were reported in the media. . However for some it was seen as a step backwards when one senior female police officer said, It has not improved the image of the police and for that reason I wonder whether it has not ultimately damaged the cause of equal opportunities. The case did not go unnoticed with three female duty Chief Constables being appointed by 1994 and the first women Chief Constable, Pauline Clare, who headed the Lancash ire Police Having analysed the recruitment of women into the police and some of the reasons why fewer women go on to join the force than men it leads us to discuss the experiences of women who become policewomen. The police are nested in society so it could be said the female role in society, reflects their role in the police. By this I refer to women not being allow to join the front line of the army or other protective stances society takes towards women. In the research by Wersch it was found that women were associated with suspect specialisms which was known as warm, fuzzy policing. This reflects the idea of protecting women from the harder crimes, which involved more danger, by limiting their roles within the force. So does this mean that roles in the police force are gendered or simply that women find this sort of work easier than their male counterparts? In a US study by Miller it was concluded that women find it not only more comfortable to deal with the image of social work, the touchy -feely type tasks it involved, but were also better at that particular type of job. However it appears that a general statement such as this is sweeping in its assumption that all women as a category find this work comfortable. Many women in the police force feel there is no choice being assigned duties based on their gender and however hard they tried to be just one of the boys all had to face questions about their role and status. The aforementioned need to be one of the boys has been researched as a coping mechanism in order to be treated on a equal footing as their male counter parts. Women feel pressure by the macho culture to either get on with the job given or take on the characteristics of their male counterparts, macho characteristics. Both this idea and that of promotional opportunities are seen in the writing on Malcolm Young, Women who do breach the boundary to penetrate this masculine world can only ever be partially successful and will often have to subsume male characteristics to achieve even limited social acceptability. This apparent adoption of masculine qualities make women who stay in the force, tolerated almost as honorary men. The idea was excellently summarised by Ehrlich-Martin (1980) by identifying strategies of POLICEwomen or policeWOMEN, the choice between fulfilling their traditional role associated with women in society or adopting the male culture. However even women who do not adop t these characteristics and instead opt for traditionally female posts have a hard time. A male officer described a female officers work in the schools liaison department, No cold Saturday nights working the town and lots of school holidays what does she do when the kids are off? (male PC 1994). Women appear to be at a disadvantage no matter what road they choose. Discrimination within the police force came to a head with the tragedy of Steven Lawrence sparking great debate about discrimination within society. Steven was a young black youth who was killed by a group of white youths. The police inquiry was said to be led by racial discrimination and initiated an inquiry. The Stephen Lawrence inquiry led to an exclusion of racial language in the force. For many this was reduced through risk of being disciplined rather than a change in attitude. It was said by a PC in site 7 that officers did not use racist language because it was too risky: Too many people are scared of not grassing you up. This would suggest that without changing attitude through education and understanding the once canteen culture will be driven under ground and felt in less overt forms of discrimination. This infamous inquiry led to a close scrutiny of the force and a home Officer research project entitled Assessing the impact of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry . The main aim of which was to evaluate the impact of the inquiry, examining the changes it made and the relationships within the force. While it recognised progress made such as the recording, monitoring and responses to hate crime and the general excision of racist language from the police service, there was evidence that these developments were not employed uniformly across the force. The inquiry drew out, not only the structural dimensions of the police in relation to women, but also their treatment day to day through the observational nature of the research. Its clear that structurally the force is kinder to the male in terms of numbers and promotional opportunities but what of the day to day treatment women face. The Stephen Lawrence inquiry was said by many police officers to have removed the workplace banter with one officer saying, you cant have a laugh and a joke like you could However for many minority groups and women this was not a negative thing as they often found themselves on the end of such banter. One female officer stated she, developed quite a hard skin. The issue relating to the womens responses to the question, in my option, lies in the question itself. So what is this banter and does it in fact reflect a sexism undertone. This idea of humiliation was identified in Chaplins work by saying that with pre-existing social structures, defining women as domestic beings and men in the public sphere is enhanced in the police force creating social conflict and humiliation. Policewomen are often on the end of so called banter whi ch reflects their body or that of women around them. The body of women are discussed, measured and laughed at. It is ogled and lusted over, sneered at, ridiculed, drooled over and constrained into a repressed form. Women are seen as over sensitive creatures meaning women feel to complain about this banter between work colleagues would be to reaffirm the male suspicion. Evidence of this is shown in Malcolm Youngs research when he states that, In the 300 nicknames in my fieldname collection, those relating to women almost always symbolize size and ugliness or fasten onto an allegedly sexual potency. Much of the research on this subject agree that there is sexism in the police with the discussion centring around the degree of its prominence however this is not a completely accepted view. Criticism has been made of some literature based on their assumption that police sub-culture is the principal guide to action Waddington argues that this overlooks wider culture, which in turn makes police culture not an insular idea, but a reflection of stories, myths and anecdotes of their wider culture Although much of his other arguments appear unfounded this does strike a cord concerning what annotation the term brings up. Perhaps as Janet Chan said, police culture has become a convenient label for a range of negative values, attitudes and practice norms among officers. This term, by way of its implied expectations of behaviour, causes people who have had no experience with the police to become armchair critics, overlooking the honest, polite, non-violent, non-racist and non-sexist officers evidently in the force. Any marginalisation in the police appears to stem from societies traditional role of women. With the police being nested in society and many of the officers being working class males from lower class backgrounds it appears less of a blatant sexism and more of a lack of education and social upbringing. Sexism cannot be said to be blatant due to the progress of womens integration into the police force. However there is clearly some form of sexual undercurrent stemming from promotional opportunities available to female officers and the banter they experience in everyday work. With society changing there is a new perception as to a women and their place and abilities, so as to womens future in the police I would be inclined to look on it favourably recognising a better understanding in society as a whole. With the emergence of new police officers there will hopefully be a change in stereotypical views of women, through better education and understanding. Throughout this analysis women ha ve been seen as a category and not individuals, perhaps it is in this generalisation that the problem finds it routes, Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, She doesnt have what it takes. They will say, Women dont have what it takes.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Interview With a Walgreens Manager Essay -- business interviews, caree
Since 1901, Walgreens has had a strong passion for customer service. The founder, Charles Walgreens, goal was to create a drugstore that was like no other. He said that for as many drugstores as he had worked at, he had never worked for one that had a focus for good customer service and low prices. Walgreens has grown by leaps and bounds since 1901 and is now recognized as the leader in the market with over 7000 stores. Charles Walgreen had an eye for good managers. He said he was able to pick people that he knew were smarter than him so to promote them and make them the heads of his drugstores. As a store manager, not only is it your job to run a store which includes ordering, customer care, and inventory control, but also it is your job to manage the staff. As a part of managing staff, it is their responsibility to hire, train and develop, and terminate if need be. While there are many jobs to choose from when it comes to HR and employee staffing, I choose this one because it is by far to me the most intense. Walgreens is a very well known name when it comes to drugstores. However, most people donââ¬â¢t know how big ââ¬Å"bigâ⬠is. In this case it is 7,015 stores nationwide. On average, each store has 30 employees on staff. This means that the company has 211,000 employees working for them. This type of responsibility calls for an HR department. In this company however it is done a little differently. When it comes to hiring staff for a store, it is solely up to the store manager. The HR department functions as a reference source for the store managers only (typically in cases of discipline). This is a great undertaking for a store manager when they are first promoted. As a store manager, you are faced with ever... gave me the opportunity to see what was out there in terms of HR staffing. I think that when people think of HR they think of a cubical at an office remotely placed somewhere. This is not the case. HR has many settings whether it is the corner store or the corporate office. Through this exercise I saw firsthand what HR was all about. It is about setting the example and staying motivated for the staff. I also discovered that money is not everything. In any job the money canââ¬â¢t be everything, you have to find rewards through other avenues; avenues such watching employees move up or customers leaving with a smile. HR gives you great flexibility and has many different settings to work in. I choose to interview a store manager because I am hoping to get to that position in the near future. This was a great experience for me and I learned a lot through this activity.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Dreams :: essays research papers
Dreams: Could They Be All They Are Made Out To Be? à à à à à à ³Over a seventy-year life span, youà ¹ll devote at least fifty thousand hours to dreamingà ² (Segell 42). These dreams can be made up of many things. They can be a window into another world or à ³like a urgent fax from your subconsciousà ² (Graves 97). Many things can affect what we dream about and they are not always our previous thoughts. Things such as gender, information gained during the course of time, or even sensations received while asleep all contribute to the content of dreams. Many times they contribute more than most people think. à à à à à Gender affects many things, including the way we dream. à ³Men typically dream about fighting, protecting, or competing in an outside environment; women are more likely to dream about relationships and loss in an inside environmentà ² (Segell 42). Most men have been brought up with the notion that they must have more of a tendency of being aggressive. In this aggression they either dream about how aggressive they are or about the lack of aggression in their daily routine. Women, on the other hand, have typically been brought up to be more emotional than men. This up bringing has also affected the way women dream. à ³Women are more likely to dial into their interior life whether awake or asleepà ² (Segell 42). This means that women will read into their dreams more frequently then men. Researchers have found that problems that occur during the day either at work or home and are worked through in your sleep (Segell 42). While men would most likely look at these d reams as nothing but a dream, women will try to face these problems throughout the day. Although there are many differences there are also similarities between men and women in dreams. à ³Like women, you have slightly more negative than positive dreamsà ² (Segell 42). Which in this case would show one of those similarities. Other similarities would include sex dreams and the ongoing infatuation about their body and physical appearances. This also shows that although men and women are very different their mind works very similarly. This could be from being brought up or society constantly showing no hope in the life we live. à à à à à In the course of the night your mind will keep working or trying to figure out problems that crossed your path over time. à ³Dreams perform emotional homework that helps us master lifeà ¹s lessonsà ² (Graves 190).
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